TRIP DATES: April 27-May 3, 2025
APPLICATION & DEPOSIT DUE: November 17, 2024
QUESTIONS? Contact church@inewhope.org
In 1960, civil war broke out in Guatemala. At a time in world history where major ideologies were competing for global influence, the country of Guatemala got caught in the middle. The result was a 36 year civil war that devastated the country. During the war between the Guerrillas and the Guatemalan Army, over 250,000 indigenous, non-military people were killed.
Millions of rural people were forced into hiding and driven out of their historic villages and homes. During the 1990’s, when the civil war was coming to an end, the indigenous people in the highlands of Guatemala either returned to historic devastated villages or established new communities. Beginning with nothing, they began to rebuild.
XEO is one such newly established community in the highlands of Guatemala. In 1990, a few families re-settled this village on the side of a mountain. Initially they built their houses quite close to one another because they were still afraid of Guerrilla soldiers hiding in the mountains. We can only imagine the constant fear they lived in.
Over time and against great odds, XEO has grown to over 500 people. They have a school for K-8th graders that needs to be expanded to accommodate the 138 (as of 2019) children living in the village. Four Protestant churches are present in the community and one Catholic church.
Although the community has come a long ways, they are in need of support to move out of the poverty they are in.
It is our belief that every healthy local church should have an impact that is HERE, NEAR and FAR. We reach HERE (local), NEAR (the wider community) and FAR (to the ends of the earth). The community of Xeo in Guatemala is our primary effort towards having a FAR impact. Through all of the touch points we will have over our 8-10 year partnership, dozens and maybe hundreds of people from New Hope will be able to experience God’s Big Heart for the Big World.
In terms of the indigenous people of Guatemala, much of Central America has not enjoyed the stability that Americans have over the last 200+ years. As we have been blessed with resource, we want to share our resource with the people of Xeo so they have more opportunities for healthy transformation.
But, this is not a one way partnership. Rather, this is a reciprocal relationship through which we are transformed too. We anticipate that as we continue to build relationship with the people of XEO, we will see more clearly how God desires for us to change. Already, we are experiencing people who have little, but smile big. Over time we know we will be shaped by these lovely people!
Due to Winter Weather our Food Pantry will be closed, February 16th.